Pseudo Pearl Rings

Pseudo pearl ringsNo pain doesn’t always result to no gain. Exhibit A : DIY rings that took less time to be made than a cup of instant noodle, turns out to be the simplest, cheapest, easiest, and most favorite DIY that i have ever done. The (lazy) DIY (for dummy) tutorial, right after the jump.

Pseudo Pearl Rings Tutorial

  1. Materials needed : faux pearl beads, and clear elastic strings
  2. Insert the string to a bead, and then put it around your finger.
  3. Adjust the size of the ring by making a knot, and knot it very tightly.
  4. Secure it with double (or triple) knot, and finally, cut the excess length.
  5. Done. No kidding.

22 thoughts on “Pseudo Pearl Rings

    • Same here! I tried the more difficult version of those rings before (using silver wire instead of elastic strings). But as it turns out, i like the result from easier DIY even more.

      By all means try it! And i’ll be glad if you’ll show me the result :)

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